

Treatment for Low Blood Sugar


The most effective treatment for hypoglycemia is eating food. Eat healthy food. The ideal food is one that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. The protein will keep your blood sugar stable, and the carbs won't make you release any more insulin.

If left untreated, hypoglycemia can be life-threatening. If your blood sugar drops too low, you may experience seizures, go into a coma, or die. Blood sugar levels should be between 70 and 110 mg/dl on average. You could be in serious trouble if you fall below the 70th percentile. If you fall any further, you may not be able to function sufficiently to call for assistance and may also not be able to assist yourself. This poses a threat.

If you begin to experience symptoms, do not hesitate to eat. If you need to eat, you might start with blurry vision or feel a little shaky. These early symptoms are signaling to you to eat and for your blood sugar to rise. You could quickly find yourself in serious trouble if you ignore the early symptoms. When it comes to your blood sugar, it doesn't take long for things to get worse. You might be fine one minute and then be unconscious on the floor in a split second.

As your individual hypoglycemia treatment, follow these steps.

Change your eating habits. You can make your own high-protein, low-carb meal in place of the processed, high-carb foods that are so simple to prepare. Not a cook? It's easy to learn!

Start paying attention to the labels on the things you typically buy. I made a long-term decision that I would not consume any processed foods with more than 10 grams of carbohydrates. There are few products that meet that standard. That is, unless you make it yourself.

Cooking for oneself really isn't that hard. Buy a cookbook and start making the recipes right away. Start with easy meals and work your way up to more difficult ones as you get better at them. Only some practice is required, that's all. You'll feel less intimidated as you cook more.

The best foods are those that are fresh, and there is so much variety to choose from that you will never get bored. Be original. Look for new recipes online, try new things, and maybe even get good enough to make your own. You might discover things you had no idea you liked.

Believe it or not, your body's metabolization of sugar can be significantly affected by stress. Your body releases hormones that affect the way sugar gets into your blood cells when you're stressed. The insulin will assist your body in storing the sugar as fat if it does not get absorbed into your blood cells as it should to be used for energy. You will need to find hypoglycemic treatment because of the excess insulin.